1 February, 2023

Giving back in 2022: A roundup of our social value projects

Volunteers for Thames21 Plastic Blitz in 2022, group photo


At Metis, we are committed to delivering as much social value as possible both inside and outside our civil and environmental engineering projects.

From educating the next generation of engineers to donating our time and money to causes we hold dear to us, it’s safe to say that we were pretty busy in 2022!

Since January is usually a time of reflection, we decided to take a look back at our social value projects completed over the past 12 months.

So, if you’d like to see what we got up to last year, just keep reading!

Attending local career’s fairs

At Metis, we have one of the youngest engineering teams in the UK, so it’s no surprise that we take every opportunity to educate the next generation of engineering and environmental professionals on their career options.

In 2022 alone, we held two industry talks at university careers fairs and attended a total of five fairs! During that time, we talked to hundreds of students about what it’s like to work in this field, answered their questions, and helped guide them in the right direction.

Learn more about our careers fair visits.

Volunteering for Thames21

At Metis, we’re extremely passionate about sustainability and keep it at the heart of everything we do. So we couldn’t have been happier to volunteer for Thames21 Plastic Blitz in 2022, where we collected 15 big bags of rubbish!

Littering and pollution along the River Thames is a huge issue in the UK that severely affects water quality, sea life, biodiversity, and the area’s aesthetics. To date, Thames 21 has engaged more than 7K volunteers, and we’re so proud to be one of them!

Learn more about our volunteering experience.

Raising funds for Neuroblastoma UK

In 2022, we raised £6,385 for Neuroblastoma UK, a charity that helps children and babies fighting a rare form of Cancer called Neuroblastoma. Unfortunately, this disease affects our team member Rob’s son, Ted – so we did what we do best: fundraise!

For our fundraiser day, our goal was to walk, run, or cycle from Land’s End to John O’ Groats UK. By the end of the day, we actually went over our target by hitting 2306 KM! The funds we raised are going towards research for Neuroblastoma and support for those affected by it.

Learn more about our fundraiser day.

Visiting local schools

Civil and environmental engineering is still a mysterious career path for some people. That’s why we wanted to help educate young students on the possibilities within this sector by engaging with them at local schools.

We attended local schools, helping students understand what’s involved in an environmental or civil engineering career and the paths they can take to get there. During our school visits, we also ran mock interviews and CV workshops to help the students achieve their goals.

Learn more about our school visits.

Charity pro bono work

Bankside Open Spaces Trust is a volunteer-run charity based in Red Cross Garden on a mission to protect, preserve, and enhance the green areas in its community. They needed help securing funding for one of their urban greening projects.

As this was a cause we could definitely get behind, we offered our flood risk management services pro bono to help them create a comprehensive bidding proposal to support their proposed design.

Learn more about our pro bono project.

We can’t wait to see what 2023 brings!

Stay tuned to see what kind of social value projects we’re getting involved in this year at Metis.

If you’re looking for a sustainability-focused civil and environmental engineering firm to partner with you on your next social value or engineering project, please get in touch with us today.

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