30 March, 2022

Helping our local communities thrive

Looking to integrate our core values into every part of our business, in 2021 we formalised our commitment to donate a minimum of 1% of our yearly profits to charities near to our and our client’s hearts. Last year, we were proud to support the following excellent charities:


The William Wates Memorial Trust
The Williams Wates Memorial Trust provides support to projects that work to encourage young people who experience severe disadvantage keep away from anti-social behaviour and criminal activity, enabling them to fulfil their potential.

In September 2021, members of the Metis team cycled from Lands Ends to the Metis offices in Richmond to help raise money for the Williams Wates Memorial Trust.


Community CycleWorks
Community Cycleworks is a not-for-profit organisation that works to promote cycling to young people and their families. Established in 2012, they help people overcome some of the common barriers to cycling through innovative and engaging projects.

We have worked closely with our client, Southwark Council, to support Community CycleWorks as a continuation of our work in the borough helping to create a better environment for people to adopt active travel.


Westminster House Youth Club
Based in Southwark, Westminster House Youth Club helps to address the inequity of advantage and privilege by providing disadvantaged youth with activities and opportunities to increase educational attainment, access to qualifications and improved health.

In collaboration with our client, Southwark Council, we have funded a year-long place for a young person to take part in the youth club after school, during the holidays and residential trips.


Friends of Headstone Manor Park
Working closely with the local council, Harrow Council, Friends of Headstone Manor Park aim to improve the use of the park through events, advocacy, environmental improvement and activities such as conservation days, nature walks and children’s events.

Having worked on the redevelopment of the Headstone Manor Park, we, along with our client, Harrow Council, were keen to make a contribution in support of FoMPH to help ensure the community is able to get the most out of their local natural asset.


With 2022 well underway, our giving has now begun, and we are looking forward to giving back to some well deserving causes this year as well.


Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal (Disasters Emergency Committee)
On the ground in surrounding countries, the DEC works with local partners to quickly mobilise resources that will provide lifesaving support to people in Ukraine forced to flee their homes.

Metis has made a £2000 donation to help support the people of Ukraine.

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